The Secretive Night Out Experience in Takamatsu – BAR Tabi

Located near Kawaramachi Station in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, this ‘cave’ entrance to BAR Tabi is hidden in an alley and blends seamlessly with its surroundings. Its unmarked, geometric entrance is not easily noticeable. Inside, the bar’s intimate lighting, pebble-strewn paths, and bamboo decorations create an atmosphere that fuses traditional Japanese garden elements with a medieval cellar vibe, offering a blend of ancient and modern aesthetics.

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Tips to order Yakitori in Japan

Are you ready to dive into the world of Yakitori in Japan? It’s a must-try experience, but let’s be real – those menus can be tricky, often all in Japanese, leaving us scratching our heads. Don’t Worry !

We are here to give you some handy tips to navigate the yakitori scene like a pro.

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